Plans & Pricing
- User Count
- Set-up Fee
- Storage
- Unlimited Customers
- Unlimited ValueDocs
Small$199 Monthly |
Medium$299 Monthly |
Large$499 Monthly |
Enterprise$999 Monthly |
1-25 | 26-50 | 51-150 | 151-500 |
$750 - $2000 | $750 - $2000 | $750 - $2000 | $750 - $2000 |
5 GB | 10 GB | 25 GB | 50 GB |
I'm Interested | I'm Interested | I'm Interested | I'm Interested |
Pricing FAQ's
Can I cancel anytime?
Yes, you may cancel at anytime. There is no contract or termination fee for the ValueDocs service.
What is the user account?
The user account is the number of internal users you can have on the system. There are no restrictions on the amount of customers you can share documented cost savings with..
How does the storage work?
Because you can upload support documents i.e.. XLS, PDF, DOC, etc.. We have to limit the amount of storage per member. The amount of storage provided should provide flexibility for years of data.